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After suffering an assault, and getting hurt with a bullet in the neck, Edgar’s life dramatically changed. Yes, that day was the last that his legs responded, but instead of just sitting all his life, he decided to take the risk to exploit his other abilities.
That´s how he began his sports career, specializing in T51 tests, which is a race in which you must cross the goal with the wheelchair. It involves athletes affected in both, upper and lower extremities.
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After a hard training, he went to the Sydney Paralympic Games in 2000 where he reached the semifinal, the Rivera Championship and the Open Championship, both in Switzerland during 2003 and 2004, obtaining 4 first places. He also participated in the Paralympic Games of Athens 2004 runing in first and third place.
In 2007 he won two first places in the Parapanamericano of Colombia, he also won the first place of the World Championship in France 2013 and, finally, he climbed to the podium for the third and second place in the Paralympic Games of Rio 2016.
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Along with his sporting activities, Edgar carried the city hall of Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, where he worked for a more prosperous and safe place for the citizens. His accident prompted him to come to politics to make a change in that place, because that’s where the assault that changed his life happened.
Edgar Navarro is an amazing example who teach us that everything is possible, and it’s the day to congratulate him for all his effort. All people deserve a second chance and so everyone have to know how to develop our skills to always give the best of us.
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