The online job search platforms have become the best way to find a better job. 7 out of ten people use this method to improve aspects of their current work status, such as salary, benefits and workplace.
It is estimated that people search for a new job every two or three years, hence there is a permanent and active hunt of new opportunities.
At the end of 2015, an investigation demonstrated that the jobs with the highest demand are sales related; here are the five more searched jobs:
Other sectors that also had a large demand were:
Employment is a fundamental part of people’s lives. When we make use of the internet and technology, we rise our level of exposure hence increasing our chance of finding a job.
TinkerLink¸ is a new app to search and find the job you want, by offering your skills to potential clients within your contact list. An easy, dynamic and safe way in tune with the digital era and the demand of in the moment, per hour jobs.