Una recomendación tiene un gran impacto en la credibilidad profesional, aumentando el respeto y la confianza. Gestionar una recomendación correctamente ayudará a destacar aspectos claves para el éxito en el ámbito laboral. Por medio de una recomendación estás expresando públicamente la confianza en el talento y la capacidad de alguien.
When it comes to search for a tinker to perform a specific service, many doubts might arise regarding the expert hired and if you´ll be able to trust them and if they´ll do a good job or they will take good care of your kids.
At TinkerLink we not only look to connect tinkers with people that look for a baby sitter, carpenters, teachers… we want to create a network of trustworthy and recommended experts.
Getting recommendations will help our tinkers to be more successful and build a good reputation, the more recommendations, the more credibility they´ll have and the more chances of being hired.
Your valuable recommendation can help your contacts to make the best choice among the tinkers from the app. If you still don´t know how to recommend that baby sitter or that carpenter that helped you, pay attention to these simple steps:
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