How many times have you discover the difficulty of finding a trustworthy person to help with a specific task for you? Sometimes we need to find a nanny, a plumber, a housekeeping person, a garden, to say it simple, an expert to trust.
You wouldn’t leave the safety of your home in the hands of stranger, and that’s why you always draw upon your network of acquaintances to ask for recommendations.
Recent studies have proven that 6 out of 10 people always hire someone they meet trough their networks, and that’s the reason why Tinkerlink was created, as a new and innovative way to search, find and connect with trustworthy experts.
Tinkerlink breaks all schemes as an app that provides safety, speed and trust, to help you find trustworthy experts or potential clients to offer your skills and make extra money.
Search, find and connect, that’s how easy it is. Once you’ve downloaded the app you have the possibility to create introduction cards: “I’m Tinker” or “Need Tinker” to choose whether you want to offer your skills “I’m Tinker” or to find someone inside your network to help with that task you need to fulfill “Need Tinker”.
Publish your Tinker card and find hundreds of experts ‘cards offering their services, once you’ve chosen the expert you find adequate, connect with him or her trough a dynamic chat that’ll allow you to reach an agreement.
On Tinkerlink, recommendations are important, that’s why the app imports your contact list to build a safe network through it.
TinkerLink, experts recommended by people you already know.